The Boght and Oakwood Veterinary Clinics are hiring! We are looking for highly motivated individuals to join our team! We have part time positions opening up in the next few weeks and are looking to fill them with people who have a strong work ethic and a love for animals. We have part time positions opening up for both reception and veterinary assistant!
Receptionists are the face of our clinic and the front line in helping our clients and patients. Whether it’s answering the phones, scheduling appointments or checking patients in, our receptionists need to be upbeat and professional. They are responsible for greeting clients in a professional manner and dealing with inquiries on the phone and face to face. They supply information about the practice to the general public and our new and existing clients. They could be asked to transport a patient to treatment for fluids or suture removal, or they could be filling medications called in to our in-house pharmacy. With the fast-paced nature of our practice, multitasking is a great skill to have and being calm under pressure is a definite must.
The veterinary assistant is the doctor’s “right hand man”when it comes to appointments and surgery. Whether it’s holding a patient during an exam, assisting the veterinarian during surgery or providing nursing care to a hospitalized patient, our assistants put the care of the patients first. They also assist our Licensed Veterinary Technicians with holding for blood draws, clip nails or other tasks that the technicians perform. Our assistants take medical histories at the beginning of appointments and relay the information to the doctors. They are an integral part of the care for our patients!
If either of these positions seems like something you would be interested in, stop in to either clinic today to ask for an application!